Currently, her main interest is wood engraving and watercolour.
Heather completed a Bachelor of Arts[ Fine Arts] degree from RMIT University Melbourne in 2004, after retiring from a 35 year career in Education .
Her major area of study was Printmaking, which included Lithography, Copper Plate Etching, Wood Engraving, Embossing, Mono Printing, Wood Block Printing, Lino Print and Artist Books.
Heather also draws and is currently studying Watercolour.
She meets regularly with other artists to discuss her work and enjoys visiting Art Galleries in Melbourne.
Artist Statement
I am a Printmaker whose main discipline is Wood Engraving. I also paint using Watercolour.
I am interested in the Australian landscape and birds .
My interest in line and pattern in nature allows me to explore a diverse subject range.
Previously, I have done editions of owls and landscapes of the Mallee in Victoria and the North West of New South Wales.
All Editions are hand printed by me using Printing Ink on Zerkall paper.